Meet Ron Baker, one of the most influential leaders in the accounting industry. Ron sits down with Anchor in this live session to discuss his professional journey to the top, how the subscription business model is revolutionizing the space, and how we can easily start adopting some of his simple principles right now to improve the way we do business. 

Our top 5 key takeaways are: 

  1. Value pricing is more than just giving a fixed price; you have to have a value discussion with your clients to price their unique needs, not just the service you’re offering and how much time and energy you normally put into it. Not every client gets the same price. 
  2. When moving to a subscription model, go to the market and competitor research so that when you add your “plus” offering to the model, it outweighs your rivals’. 
  3. The subscription model puts the relationship back into accounting because it changes our work from transactional to relational, and our business is all about nurturing relationships. 
  4. Accountants and bookkeepers are transforming clients’ lives by helping them grow their businesses, retire, buy vacation homes, get their kids into college, and plan their legacy even after they're gone. This is important to remember!  
  5. If you want to up your game on how to grow your business, look outside your profession and get pricing or marketing ideas from other influential companies who have made names for themselves. 

Keep an ear out for the extended discussions surrounding these takeaways, and feel free to leave your favorites in the comment section under on the webinar video on our YouTube here